Hope School of Music
Newsletter September 18, 2019
Dear Parents and Students:
I am happy to share some of the highlights of Hope School of Music in the months of August and September. First is to welcome all the returning students and the new enrolled students to start our fall semester! I saw many of your smiles of coming back. We started our Free Big Brother & Sister Tutor Practice Program. The volunteer students and the little kids students are so happy that they can have this opportunity to share and encourage their playing music! We also have 2 new fabulous teachers who joined our elite faculties. They are Michael Till graduated from SDSU in guitar and piano. Rick Mccomas is our drum teacher who worked at Hollywood for drum and record producing. Best of all, to give the students and parents the best value, we started the $30.00 per 30 minutes piano lesson campaign for September. Our ensemble is on track to start soon. We are excited to provide piano, violin, cello, guitar, flute, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, voice and music theory program.
I also glad to introduce our fully new designed website:www.hopemusicfoundation.com It gives a new lift to our school. I encourage you to take a look at it and find useful information on it.
Out look the 2019-2020, we are committed to bring the best music lessons to the community, our Hope Music Festival in Feb. 2020 and the Certificate of merit of MTAC.
Have a great school year!
Stanley Wang
Director of Hope School of Music